Audio Stereo Speakers

Miller & Kreisel S150T tripole speakers pair mk sound

Miller & Kreisel S150T tripole speakers pair mk sound
Miller & Kreisel S150T tripole speakers pair mk sound
Miller & Kreisel S150T tripole speakers pair mk sound
Miller & Kreisel S150T tripole speakers pair mk sound
Miller & Kreisel S150T tripole speakers pair mk sound
Miller & Kreisel S150T tripole speakers pair mk sound
Miller & Kreisel S150T tripole speakers pair mk sound
Miller & Kreisel S150T tripole speakers pair mk sound
Miller & Kreisel S150T tripole speakers pair mk sound
Miller & Kreisel S150T tripole speakers pair mk sound

Miller & Kreisel S150T tripole speakers pair mk sound    Miller & Kreisel S150T tripole speakers pair mk sound

By combining the diffuse nature of a dipole loudspeaker with a monopole direct radiating source to increase localization and image specificity, S150T exploits the virtues of both loudspeaker types and eliminates the need to take sides in a debate that the M&K Sound Tripole has rendered moot.

Miller & Kreisel S150T tripole speakers pair mk sound    Miller & Kreisel S150T tripole speakers pair mk sound